Andy Baker — 9 February 2018
First impressions count.
When you go on a first date with that person you really like, you will probably give some thought to your choice of outfit. You may even obsess over this...
You want to make a great impression right?
As the majority of music lovers like their lives through a screen, it’s essential that you capture their attention and communicate who you are through the way that you appear.
You might have won the genetic lottery or you might be insecure about your shape, size or appearance but the good news is anyone can create a strong and engaging brand. Take this encouragement from someone who started going bald aged 15.
1. Don’t scrimp on photography. You tend to get what you pay for. We can happily recommend a good photographer that won’t break the bank
2. Make sure your name and logo are a good match.
3. Review your online reputation. Everything starts with a google search so it’s a good to try and get a handle on how you can get the right stuff popping up
4. Be bold and creative with your branding...playing it safe is a surefire way to be forgotten
5. Keep things consistent. Unnecessary variations and inconsistencies dilute the impact of your brand.
Andy is Sound Consultancy's director and keeps everything running ship-shape, and spending time investing his passion for music into other artists.