Andy Baker — 6 October 2017
As you stroll along the winding path to St Bartholomew’s Church high on a hill in Churchdown, Gloucestershire, the picturesque venue hints towards a beautiful evening about to unfold.
After struggling with the hefty door to the church you are greeted by a candlelit scene, a venue showered in flowers imparting a little sense of heaven before the music begins. Applying the personal touch, Chloe stood at the front of the venue greeting members of the audience in a relaxed and confident manner.
I Am Brave is the 2nd full album from Chloe following her 2016 release Broken Beautiful which gained support from stations including BBC Radio 2. With each of the new songs steeped in positivity, Chloe's message was clear; to leave her audience feeling encouraged and empowered to face the world in front of them
Reciting short snippets from the Bible such as “Don’t worry about tomorrow”, before singing the song ‘I Refuse’ Chloe communicates her Christian faith in a way that connects with those both familiar and unfamiliar to a church setting. Her openness is admirable yet accepting of a broad audience and it’s not hard to see why acts including Anastacia, Marty Pellow, and Lulu as embracing the act who is often found touring churches around the UK.
After sharing her heartfelt enthusiasm for the work of children's charity Compassion, Chloe ended on ‘Pass it on’, where the whole audience joined in to whistle the melody of the chorus. With 9 people signing up to the child-sponsorship program in parts of the developing world, Chloe should be proud of an all-around successful evening.
Chloe’s album was recorded at Oliver’s Studio in Gloucestershire with the team at Sound Consultancy and partly funded through
Andy is Sound Consultancy's director and keeps everything running ship-shape, and spending time investing his passion for music into other artists.