Andy Baker — 16 February 2018
Some artists forget to tell their fans how much they love them.
Others talk at their fans, rather than to them.
Some forget to thank fans for buying their music, sharing their posts and turning up to shows.
These are 3 common mistakes I’ve seen artists making.
Developing any relationship involves saying the right things.
If I forget to tell my wife that I love her, she might feel a little disappointed.
If I fail to ask her about her day, she may feel a little ignored.
If I never take the time to thank her for the things she does, she will feel unappreciated
You get the picture right?
So what should you be saying to your fans to build a relationship with them?
Try boasting about how much fun you’re having with your supporters and how awesome they are... this will show both appreciation for them and entice onlookers to want to be part of your family of fans.
Post questions that allow your fans to speak and share their thoughts. Take time to respond and get to know them. Conducting a fan-survey can be incredibly insightful and allows them to share their thoughts on focussed topics.
Show genuine appreciation to the people who turn up at your shows... give them a high five, a hug and thank them personally. Take time to do social media shout-outs for people when they buy merchandise and comment on Facebook shares rather than just opting for the less-personal ‘like’ button.
Andy is Sound Consultancy's director and keeps everything running ship-shape, and spending time investing his passion for music into other artists.